For each question, choose the correct answer.
Karina Moore – teenage high diver!
Several times a week, teenager Karina Moore trains at her local pool to jump from the high-diving board into the water – in an attempt to become a national diving champion.
Karina first learned about diving during a family break in Spain, where the resort’s pool had a high-diving board. Young people were diving off it, and it looked fun, but Karina didn’t join in, even though she was a strong swimmer. Then after returning home, she discovered a long-distance runner she’d always admired had started diving for relaxation – so she became more interested.
Karina joined a beginners’ diving class at her local pool. They had several sessions jumping onto soft materials before trying the high board. ‘The water looked a long way down,’ says Karina, ‘but after our training, I felt I’d handle it – without injuring myself? They’d warned me I’d land in the water fast – at around 60 kph – but I was prepared. I couldn’t wait to get started – although the others weren’t so keen! Anyway, I wasn’t disappointed by the experience.’
In Karina’s area, there’s now lots of interest in high diving, but it’s sometimes difficult for swimmers to find suitable practice facilities. Although the pools are deep enough, they’re in use so often by diving clubs that other people don’t get opportunities to practise. Fortunately, though, Karina’s coach noticed her talent and helped her develop her techniques. After also two years, she’s winning competitions in her area.
But what’s it like to concentrate so much on diving? ‘I train 20 hours a week’ says Karina, ‘and I won’t pretend it’s easy – you have to enjoy it to spend so much time doing it! It’s not easy for my parents either, though – they drive me to training sessions early in the morning, and that costs money. But they’re had financial help from sports organisations, luckily. And my schoolwork and social life are good. I still meet my mates – and there’s always the phone! The only thing I hadn’t realised was that the pool water would damage my hair – I used to love my long hair, but I’ve had to cut it short because it looked awful! But I’ll definitely keep on diving!’
1 What made Karina keen to take up diving?
A She wanted to repeat her holiday experience.
B She found out her athletics hero had taken it up.
C She’d visited a pool where some teenagers were doing it.
D She wanted a new challenge after her success at swimming.
2 How did Karina feel the first time she used the high board?
A worried about how fat it was above the pool
B pleased to experience it with other beginners
C confident that she wouldn’t get hurt
D shocked to hit the water at such speed
3 What does the writer suggest about diving facilities in Karina’s area?
A They’re not used as much as they could be.
B There aren’t enough coaches teaching people to use them.
C There aren’t as many boards as there used to be.
D They’re not available to the public for long enough each day.
4 How does Karina feel about spending so much time diving?
A surprised by one effect it has had on her
B sorry she no longer sees her friends so much
C anxious about the amount of money it costs
D grateful to be able to focus on something she loves
5 What would the writer say about Karina?
A She’s a young girl who’s achieved a lot by becoming a national diving champion – and all with very little support.
B She’s made enormous progress in a very short time – after only a couple of years, she’s already showing great signs of success.
C She has a lot of natural talent, but she’s already thinking of having a break from the high board for a while.
D She’s sad that she’s given up almost everything for her sport – and her lifestyle really sounds quite hard.
To have a
freedom to be whatever you like иметь свободу быть, кем хочешь
To get a
получать обратную связь
To keep in
touch with smb поддерживать связь с кем-либо
To stay
always connected оставаться всегда на связи
To send a
friend request отправить запрос на дружбу
A mutual
friend общий друг
To have smb in common иметь кого-то в общих друзьях
An emoticon
[ɪ'məutɪˌkɔn] смайлик
To tag smb in the photo отметить кого-либо на фотографии
To like smth on Facebook поставить “лайк” (в Фэйсбуке), «лайкать»
To unfriend smb удалить кого-либо из списка друзей
To be addicted to social media быть зависимым от социальных сетей
To post smth on one’s page разместить пост на своей странице
To download
a podcast загружать подкаст
To go viral (This video has gone viral.) стать очень популярным
questions to answer
How many
social media platforms can you name in English?
How many
social media platforms do you use?
How much
time do you spend using social media every day?
Why do you
think that many people become addicted to social media?
What are
the advantages and disadvantages of using social media?
Are you
selective about what you share online? Why or why not?
Do you
think that people act differently online versus how they act in person?
What are
some of the unspoken rules of using social media?
What is
your best advice for social media usage?
dialogue to learn by heart
Jess - Hey, Jen! Listen, I created a new account on that social media platform you told me about.
Jen - Awesome! Which one?
Jess - The one where you can share photos and stuff.
What's your favorite thing to upload?
Jen- Definitely photos of my travels. How about you?
Jess- Mostly blog posts or motivational quotes. Any
tips for using this platform? I'm kind of new here.
Jen- Just remember, think before you post. You don't
want to regret sharing certain information later on.
Jess- Yeah, that's true. But it's so cool how we can
communicate with other bloggers from all over the world!
Jen -Definitely. But sometimes, social media can have
its disadvantages too.
Jess -Like what?
Jen -Well, sometimes people can be influenced by
others' opinions and make choices without thinking for themselves.
Jess- Oh, I never thought of that... Thanks for reminding me, Jen. I'll be careful.
A Police Officer And A Tourist
Tourist: Excuse me officer, I think I am lost. Can you help me find my hotel, please?
Officer: Certainly, What's the name of your hotel?
Tourist: It's the GrammarBank Hotel.
Officer: Hmm, I think I know where it is.
Tourist: Is it far?
Officer: No, not really. Do you have a car, are you driving?
Tourist: No, I don't have a car.
Officer: Okay, actually it's only about 10 minutes walk. But if you want, I can call you a cab.
Tourist: No, thank you. I don't mind walking.
Officer: Okay then, let me give you the directions.
Tourist: Thank you. I appreciate that.
Officer: Now, go along this street until you get to the Bank. Do you see the tall building?
Tourist: Yeah.
Officer: So, at the traffic lights there, turn left to Great Sheva Avenue.
Tourist: Okay, I will turn left.
Officer: Correct. Then go straight on, take the second right and that should take you to the GrammarBank Hotel.
Tourist: Okay, I will take the second left.
Officer: No, it's the second right.
Tourist: Ah, right. The second right.
Officer: Yes sir, left at the traffic lights near the bank and then the second right.
Tourist: Got it, thank you very much for your help.
Officer: No problem, have a nice day.
F1: Majestic Hotel, can I help you?
M1: Yes, I’d like to find out about your room
rates in July, please.
F1: One moment, please. I’ll put you through to
F2: (click) Reservations, can I help you?
M1: Yes, I’m enquiring about room rates in
July, please.
F2: Yes, of course, sir. Do you have specific
dates in mind?
M1: Yes, we’re thinking of coming up the
weekend of the 6th of July and staying for about a week, going back on Saturday
the 13th or Sunday the 14th.
F2: I see, sir. And for how many people would
that be?
M1: Well, there’s myself, my wife and our two
children. They’re 9 and 5.
F2: Well, there are various options. We could do a double for you and your wife,
and a room with two singles for your children. Not adjacent though.
M1: Is it not possible to have a family room
for all of us?
F2: Yes, that is a possibility. Just let me
check those dates for you. It is a very busy time of year, as I’m sure you
M1: Yes, I appreciate that.
F2: Mmm , ah. Well, I can offer you a family room
for the nights of Saturday the 6th through to the night of Thursday
the 11th, but I’m afraid there are no family rooms for the second weekend.
They’re all booked already, I’m afraid.
M1: Oh dear. Er, so that would mean either
leaving on Friday or moving to two rooms for the last one or two nights, would
F2: Yes, I’m afraid so... but I see we do have
a suite available for all the nights you’re interested in. That would give you
two separate bedrooms, a sitting room, bathroom of course, and the one we have
available also has a large balcony and a terrific sea view.
M1: Oh! That sounds wonderful. But what about
the price? Can you do any special deals on that?
Task 1 – Countries
With a partner, make a list of all the countries you know. You have one minute:
Task 2 – Vocabulary
With a partner, put the words and expressions in the box in the correct column. Use a dictionary or ask
your teacher for help if necessary.
blizzard journey brakes desert to pedal trip freezing temperatures
mountain punctures river rudder running shoes sea storm
autopilot ocean to cycle to run to sail voyage wind wombat
Task 3Weather . Travel nouns. GeographicalFeatures .Cycling. Running .Sailing .Animals
Task 3 – Interviews
Complete the questions with the words in the box.
How (x2) What (x2) Who
a. ______ did you travel around the world?
b. ______ long did it take?
c. ______ problems did you have?
d. ______ were the best times on your trip?
e. ______ helped you?
Task 6 – Advice for round-the-world travellers
Here is some advice for round-the-world travellers from the ‘World traveller’ website. Read the advice and tick if you agree / disagree or are not sure about each statement. Compare your list with your group and explain your ideas.
Learn the language of each place you plan to visit.
Find a sponsor to provide money while you are travelling.
Make sure you are fit before you begin your trip.
Reserve hotel room in each country you will visit.
Check your equipment at the start of each day of your journey
Take lots of clothes
You must be at least 18 to travel alone
Take a laptop so that you can contact family and friends while you are away.
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